There is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the current debt ceiling and further uncertainty around the appropriations bill that will require a vote in the fall. In 2019 when there was a federal furlough, HFL provided emergency loans to those impacted. While we very much hope to not see a similar situation this year, we do want to be prepared should such a scenario arise. If you are a government employee or contractor, Jewish, live in the DC metro area and concerned about your financial health in the case of a furlough, please fill out our "just in case" form so if there is a shut down, we can make sure to inform you of our emergency loan plan immediately. In the case of a furlough, HFL will offer quick turnaround, interest-free loans up to $1,500.
This is not a loan application. This will allow HFL to contact you immediately if there is a government shut down or furlough.
Please contact Shuli Tropp, Executive Director at [email protected]or 301.859.0346.
Interest Form: Federal Shut Down or Furlough Loans
Hebrew Free Loan Association of Greater Washington